About Me

About Heidi

My name is Heidi and I live in rural, southeastern Pennsylvania where I reside with my husband and his two beautiful daughters.  We have an Italian Greyhound named Murphy and a big, fat cat named Zero.

I am a gluten-free, almost grain-free, sometimes dairy-free, never meat-free, free-spirited, judgement-free, free-thinker.  I use my juicer and my blender a few times each week and I just do my best to feel my best – both physically and emotionally –  without denying myself simple life’s pleasures, like wine and french fries!

My purpose with this blog is to share my personal experiences in my quest for clean living for my occasionally wayward soul.  I have found that what works best for me is to allow myself a little slack here and there.  If I want a glass of wine, I drink it.  If I want some ice cream, I eat  it.  I try my best to eliminate the bad things from my diet and beauty regimen, but I never get it 100% right, 100% of the time.

So, by allowing myself the leeway to make ‘mistakes’ (for lack of a better term), I can feel better about the good choices I do make and stop sweating the not-so-good ones that I make almost  daily!

Inhale the good.  Exhale the bad.

It’s that  simple.  Really folks, it is!  I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with you all and if you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or to share your experiences, too.

With Love and Light,

Heidi Bauer

Founder of Not Just Juice

email me:  notjustjuiceblog@gmail.com

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